
Our work depends on people like you offering their time and talent. Sign up as a FareStart volunteer and see all the current opportunities.

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There are Many Ways To Help

Volunteers lend a hand in a variety of ways, including providing kitchen support for our prepared meals programs, conducting practice interviews with our students, collecting and distributing fresh produce from our partner farms, and supporting our events and administrative office.

If you are interested in learning more about these and other meaningful volunteer opportunities, please contact volunteer@farestart.org.

" The best part for me is getting to affirm the humanity of everyone in your program. "

- FareStart Volunteer

" Please know that even though I may not think my particular role in yesterday's event was “very impactful” to the community, I recognize that it is one small part that contributes to a larger part which ultimately helps FareStart and the community, and thus I value my contribution. "

- FareStart Volunteer

" I personally feel like I am honoring the land and its past stewards by recovering what it provides for the good of people who need it. "

- FareStart Volunteer

Our combined efforts are successful

Your contribution has a ripple effect. Every hour of service FareStart volunteers provide makes our programs stronger and enriches the FareStart community.



Over 640 volunteers generously donated their time and talent with FareStart in 2023.



Our volunteers donated almost 6,000 hours of service in 2023, filling 1,447 individual shifts throughout the year.



Those hours of service amounted to over $200K in value which directly helped us realize our mission.

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